Monday 22 February 2010


Now the other day I got a wake up call about men defining their own manhood

I was on my friend’s facebook page and his status read

“Watching Wrestling with my son and he just asked me why women are wrestling and not standing outside the ring watching their men wrestle in the ring. All I could do was smile and tell him how proud I am of him.”

Now this is what I call top class clear thinking in young black youth because despite all the misandry, despite all of the women trying to mould their sons into weak women worshipping men who are scared to speak their mind on their own issues, despite all the other men that think pussy begging and kissing the arse of women is a must to get laid and despite the fact that we can hardly ever speak our mind without some woman poking her nose into big mans business this 6 year old boy still had the mind to say what he does not like in women and didn’t care about the response because he was around men that don’t stifle the notion of free thinking.

This kind of clear thinking in young men should be encouraged and rewarded because its a clear indication that when a man is free to think for himself in a healthy environment consistent with other clear thinking men he can dismiss the bullshit that women, manginas, thugblamers, feminists, and other man hating factions around us try to inject in our minds on a daily basis.

I then immediately phoned up my friend and told him to put his son on the phone and I told him that I’m gonna take him to west end next week and buy him any game he wants for his Nintendo Wii and on the way there I am going to explain exactly why I am doing this for him.

You see this boy has proven himself to be even more manly than most males who are 3 times his age and this kind of thinking in the youth is precious. What was funny was the other responses my friend got on facebook from women about this, many said the response was sexist and that it indicates woman hating and the other usual responses women give when their back is against the wall avoiding the finger of a man that knows what he is talking about.

Women don’t like being told about themselves especially when they have no response that can challenge what has been said with well rounded argument that doesn’t make them look any worse than they already do.

The usual response from a woman would be that if a man can do it so can she and you know what?

I don’t care what women do so she is right she can do whatever a man wants if you wanna go fuck up your life that’s your business but we don’t have to like it and we don’t have to stay silent about it either just so you feel comfortable with your conduct. Too many women think that because they couldn’t wouldn’t or wasn’t able to do it in the past they should be able to do it now but I wonder why I have never seen a woman change a tyre on her car without calling for road side assistance then?


I’m quite sure women would take words of support from men with open arms, well you cant have it both ways because not all men kiss arse.

My friends son was right he doesn’t find it lady like for women to be in the ring making complete fools of themselves fighting and degrading what little respect we have of them already for other foolish female fuckry. He simple does not like it and I agree with him.

Even when I see people discussing relationships between each other there is sure to be some over the hill skank that has fucked more men that the average looking man has fucked women telling us that she shouldn’t be judged because men do it all the time.

We can judge who the hell we want tramp

We can also take great pride in rejecting your ass too and tease you about it in person and in rap songs and righteously exile you from our circle of people we respect just like you do to deadbeat dads.

Anyway a woman that feels she needs to compete her number of sexual partners and her various sexual acts in her life against the number of a mans sexual partners and his acts is simply a skank hoe and should be treated as that.

No man should feel guilty about bustin a nut, putting on his clothes and then leaving the hoe in bed after sex while he goes about his business.


Now that felt good

You see men have been yearning to get their point across and put it out to the mainstream on these issues for years but you aint gonna hear this kind of opinion on TV or any other form of powerful media unless you listen to underground rap where you can say what the hell you want.

All your gonna hear on mainstream media is woman worshipping hogwash with the purpose of widening the audience of female viewers who indeed spend more money than men and pay more attention to advertisements which promote the bullshit they buy.

Also men don’t let no woman try and mind fuck you by telling you that you don’t respect yourself because you fucked a hoe (which really means fucking a woman like the one preaching and leaving her on her worthless arse)

These are the stupid paraphrases women use to try and even the playing field in debates because it’s their way of trying to get you to prove yourself to them. They cant convince you that they aint fucked double digits of men in one month because it so easy for us to know this in today’s world so now they are trying to get you to prove yourself to them.

Don’t even entertain it the minute a woman starts querying your sexual past take the matter even further out of her comfort zone and tell her if she cant come to the clinic with you in confidence of knowing she aint got no disease that will kill you tell her to shut the fuck up.

You see a great deal of women have all the talk when it comes to men and their sexual conduct so much so that we have women that think men cheat more than women even though there is no significant data that can prove this and it’s bullshit anyway because cheating isn’t a male act its something females do too and for the exact same reason which is to satisfy lust there is no way of saying who does it more but the common belief is that men do it more.

But let me ask you, if you believe this where did you get this idea from? How do you know this?

All of this is why I tend to silence and or ignore all women that try and communicate with me on men’s issue’s unless they are

· Offering a solution to our problems

· Offering support

· Offering a female perspective which doesn’t mean her advertising herself or her mother as the exception to the rule with a well rounded opinion stating all of the facts

If you’re a woman and you aint doing that I don’t need to hear shit from you and you should stick to being a spectator until you have grasped what Heavenlytruth1 is about.

When men get together and start thinking objectively a lot of solutions can be made about our issues and we can then exchange ideas and come to an understanding of how to deal with it but when you add a group of females to the discussion about men’s issue’s all the men end up spending half of the conversation backtracking and retracting statements so that we can acknowledge that the women in the same room as us are soooooo different from the women we are speaking about.

*rolls eyes*

Anyway in the mean time its important that all men discuss our issues in a civilised manor and don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked by female’s who want to just debate for the sake of debating.

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