Wednesday 24 February 2010


I never really understood the power of a man when he is fixated on his own issues and his own goals until now but I must say the feeling is great, since making you tube video's I have been able to really understand the importance of identifying male issue's by doing so in an environment where men are not distracted by the hidden agenda of others who are not as concerned.

The sad truth is many people seem to think that this is for entertainment but people like myself know this is not the case.

The amount of private emails I get from individuals on some things scare me at times not because they are contacting me specifically but because it really shows you how helpless some men feel and I think that this is because many men don't know the importance of addressing mens issues until it is too late.

It only really becomes a serious issue for many men when they have been mistreated and felt the harsh reality of gender politics and got the short end of the stick in some form of dispute with a female when third parties like the law or the work place are involved. Ironically its these very same men who are truly passionate after the fact but in some cases address matters from an emotional perspective which sometimes can compromise their thought process.

I actually find this whole subject extremely interesting and have such a passion for it now its second nature for me to be an MRA and I feel if much more men did this we would have a much better understanding of ourselves and so would the women that we complain about. You see when you actually listen to what women say about men I'm sure you have heard some ridiculous conclusions that they have come up with to explain our attitudes from their perspective but they are simply functioning on guess work. However for this kind of thinking I don't blame women because they are simply coming up with the best idea they can conjure up and what else are they supposed to do when MEN don't SPEAK UP ON THEIR ISSUES?

Of course women are going to make up their own theories and the less men that challenge them on these views the more these women will become entrenched in believing that they are right about everything they think about men and other deluded opinions and the few men that do speak out (like me) are wrong as far as they are concerned.

This is the problem with men being silent, not showing their feelings, views, and opinions. We do this everyday, that time when you heard your aunt saying "all men are cheaters" and you just sat there and didn't break down her argument, or that time that you heard your girlfriends best friend say "men are scared of commitment" and you was standing right there and refused to open your mouth with some facts because you thought your girlfriend and her would gang up on you, that time you heard some baby mother talking loudly to strangers about her baby father and you just sat and laughed with her and co-signed her.


They are not being challenged and the consequence of this has got so severe that we now have what we call a gender war between the sexes and now both sexes use mostly generalizations to describe each other and their conduct. This is the result of being silent guys and its hurting us and its hurting women and it is CRIPPLING our children.

This is the equivalent of a woman leading a man on saying that he is such a nice guy but not actually telling him that she does not find him attractive and his breath stinks. He will continue on thinking everything is cool but when he makes a move and she rejects him he will be crushed but that's because he had no clue about how she really felt. This is what is happening to women.

All you men that didn't tell your little sisters to stop dressing like hookers on facebook, all you men that only wanted to fuck the girl but told her she is your girlfriend, all you men that gas up chicks about dressing like sluts just so you could get your dick wet........ all of this has lead to the females delusion of facts when it comes to men. But that's on a very basic level........

Men should ALWAYS be speaking his mind so women know how we feel, misleading women for the sake of sparing her feelings or getting your own dick wet or not telling your sister that she was acting like a SKANK at last weeks house party only makes women as intolerable and as poorly comprehensively retarded as they are today on men and their issues.

Women didn't start dressing like hookers showing tits just off the top of their head lads, some bright pussy begging moron made her think this is classy and we still do this today.

Women also only think and believe the harsh generalizations of men today because we allowed them to without pulling them up.

How many times have you pinched a girls bum? and how many times have certain women told you to fuck off for doing it enough for you to know that you shouldn't do that unless you KNOW her?


speak your mind lads

speak your mind

the silence is only gonna fuck us up later.

One last thing, don't be discouraged by a female response to such an attitude because she is likely having a serious issue of being knocked off the throne of her delusional "you go girl" kingdom where she is the queen of her own fuck ups.

Don't waste your time force feeding her just tell her when need be and ALWAYS respond with the adequate response if you hear misandry from women.

If you think this is wrong think about this, when a man makes sweeping statements about women just look how women mobilize together and take you out swiftly, they do this because they have had time to trade ideas on their own beliefs which is why they can gang up on most men and make him look very stupid.

change this guys

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