Saturday 24 October 2009


My rant today is one that has been on my mind for a while I have been neglecting my blog page as its easier to make a video and just post it on you tube and daily motion considering I have had and still do have many other things to do.

Anyway my first pissed off rant will be of the following statements I get for making videos

"this man has issues with women"

for god sake why do women manginas and pussy beggars still use this ridiculous formula as a response to a video I make that clearly identifies them and their traits? firstly one does not need to have issues with anyone to point out what their faults are its pretty basic stuff that I say and its also common knowledge but only a handful of people have managed to address it effectively and offer real obtainable solutions. The reason these people say these things as a response is clearly because it threatens their own personal agenda's and or they feel personally offended by someone that calls them out. I could go on for ages to explain why I do or don't have issues with women but then that would involve me explaining myself to people I already class as degenerates.

"this guy disguises his voice so I cant take him seriously"

good god this is the WORST pathetic excuse for failure bad choices and bad standards I have seen yet, so let me get this straight because I decide to not get myself personally involved in the cyber world with as much passion that these people do I am not to be taken seriously? I find this reaction a very resilient one but at the same time a very stubborn one that indicates these people are picking at any straw they can grasp to avoid being told the truth. The sound of my voice has nothing to do with it and its also clear I have taken away any kind of target they can use to derail my train of thought. I am almost certain that some bright spark is reading this and as a result is now saying that I am an angry man yadda yadda yadda because im making this blog. Again with the fallacies and self indulging stories to appease peoples feelings of me thats not true either.

"this guy doesn't address the womans perspective enough"

Right here is a classic example of black womens sense of victim hood why is it that when a black man is held accountable your all the proud to do it and watch him burn and he takes it solely on his shoulders but when a black woman is held to task all of a sudden she cant take the criticism alone without also involving her male counterpart and in other words not take FULL accountability? This is the bitch made mentality that most and yes i did say MOST black women have which keeps them permanently retarded, if a woman cheats its supposed to also be the mans fault because he also cheats, if a woman has an std its only because a man gave it to her even though she knows to protect herself, if a woman cant find a man its because men are intimidated by her or they are no good............................

The list of syndicated black female bitching continues and is perpetuated by mainstream media and a feminised society of men raised by single mothers that also hate their own fathers for all number of reasons.

Ironically the same men I am referring to are the same men that cant find a good woman apparently and the reason for that is because the very women they defend do NOT respect them because they are pre feminised and are basically push overs. Women like to mould, seduce and convince men they are the exception and diamond in the dirt compared to other women which is why I come across so many women telling me their hard luck story about why they are different to me. Whats sad about that cry for help is that I have already deemed such women are worthless in my own assessment so their attempts to convince me they are good women is like flogging a truly dessicated dead horse.

Anyway thats my rant for today when i got something else to express ill come back on my blog page and tell you all about it.

in the mean time check out this video which sort of summarises my thoughts in this blog.

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